How Your Addiction Affects Your Children

There are countless reasons to seek treatment for a substance abuse or addiction disorder. First on the list is your personal health and well-being. If you aren’t aware of the consequences of addiction, you should know it affects all aspects of your life: physical, emotional, and spiritual. Physically speaking, the consequences of untreated addiction and…

Getting and Staying Sober in College

The Rise of Collegiate Recovery Programs There is no easy time in life to start your recovery journey. When you’re struggling with any sort of Substance Abuse Disorder (SUD), whether the substance is alcohol, illegal drugs, or prescription medication, you have a tough, life-changing, and possibly life-saving decision to make. Once the decision is made…

Healthcare Insurance: What’s Our Future?

Pity the average citizen trying to figure out what’s going to happen with healthcare.  During the week of July 9, proposed legislation changed in a day. Before July 13, this is where things stood: BCRA—the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017, released on June 22—was still waiting to be approved by the Senate before being…