How Bay Area Doctors Are Helping Create Heroin Addicts

In the fast-paced, technology-driven Bay Area, it’s all about staying on top of your game and pushing through the pain. For many individuals, pain that comes after a sports-related injury or surgery is treated with opioid painkillers such as oxycodone, hydrocodone or fentanyl. While these prescription medications are effective in treating acute and chronic pain,…

The Growing Addiction To Heroin In Silicon Valley

Amidst the bustling Silicon Valley offices filled with driven startup executives and venture capitalists, there is a growing problem of heroin addiction. This reality came to light in 2014 when a Google executive overdosed on the drug while on his yacht in Santa Cruz. The Trend Of Heroin Addiction In Silicon Valley The trend in…

Summit Estate’s Neuroscience Advisor, Dr. Blum: Pioneers Important Advancement To Treat Reward Deficiency Syndrome To Prevent Relapse

For millions of people in recovery, relapse is a frightening word. Though there are many reasons that individuals suffer relapse, one of the more interesting discoveries is that certain people are prewired genetically to have insufficient numbers of D2 receptors in their brains, which can lead to a lack of dopamine, a chemical in the…

The Addicted Brain: The Dopamine Effect

Substance Abuse’s Effect On Dopamine Every drug that leads to dependence has been shown to affect the brain’s dopamine system. With some drugs, such as stimulants like amphetamines and cocaine, there is a direct effect on dopamine production while others appear to affect it indirectly. In the case of alcohol, it does not increase dopamine…