man with head down showing signs of alcoholism

Signs of Alcoholism

If you suspect your loved one is abusing alcohol, understanding the signs of alcoholism can be vital in finding the right addiction treatment center in California. Most alcoholics may not admit they have a problem, thus failing to seek the necessary help in time. Research suggests that a significant portion of Americans admit to having…

woman with glass of wine wonders am I an alcoholic

Am I an Alcoholic?

Are you continually wondering, am I an alcoholic? Understanding alcohol use disorders can help you seek the right treatment from an alcohol detox center in California. People drink alcohol for various reasons, but the habit can lead to severe consequences, requiring help from Summit Estate. If you’re battling an addiction to alcohol, contact our California…

woman on couch experiencing alcohol withdrawal symptoms

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are the resultant signs that heavy drinkers experience when they attempt to quit. The symptoms can be mild or severe, so it’s crucial to seek immediate medical attention in an addiction treatment center in California. At the alcohol addiction treatment center at Summit Estate Recovery Center, we give you the tools to…